

XGL en distros de 1 CD

Tenemos a Kororaa y DreamLinux. ¡Estas distros ocupan 1 CD y tienen el XGL integrado!

Por si no quieres esperar a que bajen los gigas de una distribucion de Suse por Internet, o de cualquier otra.

Kororaa tiene a disposicion por bittorrent su version 0.2 y corre XGL tanto como LiveCD o lo puedes intalar en tu PC.

Lo triste de esta distro es su anuncio sobre las distribuciones con XGL:

Xgl Live CD
Wednesday, August 16, 2006, 12:33
The Kororaa Xgl Live CD has been taken offline due to GPL violation by distributing the ATI and nVidia drivers with the Linux kernel.

We would like to apologise to the Linux developer community and thank everyone for their support, especially the end users who have loved our Live CD.

Solo nos queda rescatar este otro anuncio que se puede encontrar en portada:

Development Update - September
Friday, September 8, 2006, 15:27
Hi everyone,

Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I have been busy, very very busy, but I have been working on Kororaa too so never fear!

Kororaa Live CD 0.3 is on the way. It will be contain GPL only video drivers and will also sport AIGLX as well as Xgl. Matt and I are currently testing the updated installer etc, so stay tuned!

On a related note, Matt and I are leaving the country this coming Tuesday 12th to visit Korea, Japan and Hong Kong. If you are in that area let us know, we might be able to drop by!

Dreamlinux es otra distro actualmente en version 2.0 que tiene un LiveCD con XGL integrado pero solo en su distribucion Experimental, que puede ser descargado desde su mirror 1 o mirror 2. Puedes revisar mas en su seccion de Descargas.

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